Shary Jahangiry

Founder, Modern Persian Kitchen

Tehran-born Shary has over 30 years of experience in award-winning and established restaurants across the world.

Thanks to his Maman, who often hosted huge parties and celebrations at their family home, he discovered a love for cooking from a young age.

Gaining experience with renowned chefs including Raymond Blanc, Antonio Mancini, and Steven Nash, Shary went on to lead various five-star restaurants in the Middle East. He later worked at Le Manoir, before joining the leadership team at Le Petit Blanc Brasserie.

It’s Shary’s extensive experience that prompted a life-changing move — to set up his own venture inspired by the food from his heritage.

In 2018, Shary, along with his wife, Debbie, and daughter, Natalie, launched Modern Persian Kitchen, a nationwide Persian food delivery service, that continues to go from strength to strength.

The family trio also run monthly supper clubs, celebrating Persian cuisine through a surprising and modern menu. They hope to pass on their food love story by making Persian food easily accessible all over the UK.

Party On

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